Patil, Dr.R.SWarade, Dr.S.Dsolanke, Dr.A.VBhalekar, Dr.M.NYevale, Miss. Hemlata Vilas2017-02-252017-02-252004-06-06 present investigation was conducted during the years 2002-2004 at onion storage scheme, Department of Horticulture, M.P.K.V., Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar (Maharashtra) with a view to assess the possibility of early kharif onion cultivation by set-planting technique. The experiment constituted of two onion kharif varieties [Baswant-780 (V1) and Phule Samarth (V2) i.e. S-1], three seed sowing dates [1st January (D1], 15th January (D2) and 1st February (D3)] and four sizes of sets [2.1 to 2.5 (S1), 1.6 to 2.0 cm (S1), 1.1 to 1.5 (S3) and 0.5 to 1.0 cm (S4)]. Thus, 24 treatment combinations replicated four times in Factorial Randomized Block Design. The experiment for set production was carried out during rabi 2002-03 while bulb crop was evaluated during kharif 2003 and seed crop in rabi 2003-04. The results obtained in respect of set production, bulb production, bulb storage and seed production influenced by various treatments are briefed as follows. The most noticeable result obtained in present investigation was by use of set plantation, early kharif (Halwa) onion cultivation can be undertaken in Maharashtra with good yield potential (183 to 243 q/ha), high marketability (> 80 %} and short duration (60-75 days). The experiment on set production revealed that both onion cultivar (i.e. B-780 and S-l) were effective by seed sowing at 1-15th January. A good set yield (400/m2) was recorded with 90 days. However ercentage of smaller set size (S4) was maximum (> 50 %) which showed maximum storage losses (upto 50 %) and recorded least bulb yields. The maximum set yield recorded by individual factors viz cv. Phule Samarth (V2) and 1st January sowing date (D1) while best combination was cv. Baswant-780 sown at 1st January The experiment on bulb crop raised by set plantation during kharif season revealed that three factors i.e. variety (V) seed sowing date for set production (D) and set size (S) significantly influenced growth and bulb characters individually as well as by two way or three way interactions. The best significantly superior treatments for total bulb yields were seed sowing date at 1st February (D3), medium large set size (S2) and interaction of medium sized sets raised by seed sowing at 1st February of cv. B-780 (V1D3S3) while highest marketable bulb yield (85.89 %) was recorded by treatment combination with medium sized set of cv. Phule Samarth raised by seed sowing at 1st February (V2D3S2). The least bulb storage losses (24.94 total loss) were obtained by treatment V2D2S2 i.e. cv. Phule Samarth with seed sowing date 15th January and medium large set size. For seed production significant results were obtained by large seed-bulbs (S1) in combination with both the cultivars (V1S1 or V2S2). However, by considering overall performance of set production, set storage, bulb production and seed production, it was concluded that both onion cultivars can be used for set plantation by seed sowing at 15th January and by use of medium sized sets (1-2 cm in diameter).enEFFECT OF SET-PLANTING ON KHARIF ONION {Allium cepa L.) BULB-PRODUCTION CV. BASWANT-780 AND S-l (PHULE SAMARTH)Thesis