Dharmesh GuptaRAJNEESH THAKUR2024-05-162024-05-162024-03-26https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810209060The compost for white button mushroom is generally been prepared using wheat straw all over the world but complete dependency on wheat straw is restricting the growth of mushroom industry severely. Thus it is imperative to search for alternative agriculture residue for white button mushroom compost preparation. During the study, we have tried to develop new composting formulations using paddy straw and supplementing wheat straw with paddy straw in different proportions. During the study, a combination of wheat straw and paddy straw (1:1) proved promising formulation taking minimum days for first harvest (28.02 days) and maximum yield (19.98 kg/ 100kg compost). To enhance the process of composting and make the compost more selective and productive, a total of eighteen thermophilic fungi were isolated from the different compost formulations. The thermophilic fungi were screened for enzyme production potential (laccase, manganese peroxide, cellulase, and xylanase) responsible for composting, growth and development of button mushroom. Two selected thermophiles showing maximum enzyme activities (TF4 Thermomyces lanuginosus and TF6 Melanocarpus albomyces) were identified based on morphological and molecular tools. The optimized compost formulae i.e., T3 (PS: WS, 1:1) was inoculated with the selected thermophilic fungi, singly and in combination. Inoculation of consotium of Thermomyces lanuginosus and Melanocarpus albomyces in the compost of paddy straw + wheat straw (1:1) took the minimum days for first harvest (26.01) and gave maximum yield (23.98 kg/100 kg compost). The consortium of isolates also increased the availability of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) and micronutrients (Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn) due to enhanced enzyme activities. It also helped in decreasing the silica content in compost. Nutritional value of the mushroom produced was also recorded be better with compost inoculated with Thermomyces lanuginosus and Melanocarpus albomyces. Overall, it was recorded that paddy straw and wheat straw combinations with inoculated thermophiles (TF4 and TF6) gave promising results.EnglishSTUDIES ON UTILIZATION OF PADDY STRAW FOR COMPOST PREPARATION OF BUTTON MUSHROOM (Agaricus bisporusThesis