TANUVAS2019-03-082019-03-082013http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810097851TNV_FR_NMK_2013Blood is the supply chain of nutrient to the dilTerent cell and elimination of end product of cell metabolism. Any defect in the above function leads to sub-optimum growth of the cells due to shortage of nutrient(s) at the cellular level and / or death of the cells due to accumulation of waste products. The properties of blood are well balanced with various nutrients like iron, cobalt, copper, calcium, cholecalciferol, folic acid. biotin and niacin. In the present intensive system of poultry production, the birds are subjected to various stresses like high density, ecto and endo parasitic, environment, ammonia load in the manure due to high dietary protein, disturbance in gut health, frequent vaccination in the growth phase, disease outbreak etc. Supplementation of nutraceuticals components to take care of the haemopoietic system, enhance immunity and alleviate the stress in commercial birds.enVeterinary ScienceEfficacy of “Sharkoferrol Vet” on the Performance of Broilers and LayersReports