Dr. M.K. JYOSTHNAPAGIDIRAI KALAVATHI2024-05-062024-05-062024-05-06D6561https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810208718A roving survey was conducted during, rabi, 2020-2021 in Chittoor and Nellore districts of Andhra Pradesh to assess the disease severity of sheath blight disease in rice. The disease severity ranged from 6.11 to 13.44%. Rice sheath blight pathogen R. solani was isolated from the diseased samples obtained during survey. Its pathogenicity was proved by using mycelial ball insertion technique. A total of 26 native Bacillus spp were isolated from the rhizoplane soils of rice crop of Chittoor and Nellore districts and their antagonistic efficiency was tested using dual culture technique. Among the isolates, NB13 showed maximum antifungal efficiency with 86.15% followed by CB10 (81.60%) and CB4 (75 %). Maximum inhibition of sclerotial germination was observed in CB4 (98.42%) followed by NB13 (97.2%) and CB10 (96.36%) and maximum per cent of lysis of sclerotia was observed in CB10 isolate (100%) followed by CB4 (98.14%) and NB13 (95.55%). Those isolates CB4, CB10, NB13 recorded maximum mycelial inhibition, sclerotial inhibition and sclerotia lysis which are significantly on par. Cultural characters viz., colony shape, colour, size, surface, margin, elevation and time of colony appearance of the potential Bacillus isolates were recorded. Among all isolates NB4, NB13, CB10 isolates produced irregular, white, large colonies with rough surface, lobate margins, flat elevation and formed colonies with 48h after inoculation. CB4 produced irregular, white, large colonies with rough surface, filamentous margins and formed colonies with 48h after inoculation. Out of ten potential isolates tested for biochemical tests, all isolates showed positive reaction to gram staining, endospore staining, motility test and catalase test, whereas only seven isolates showed positive reaction to anaerobic growth, six isolates showed positive reaction to oxidase test and three isolates showed positive reaction to nitrate reduction test. xvi 16S r DNA sequence analysis revealed that the NB4, NB13, CB4 and CB10 have close similarity with Bacillus subtilis. Out of the 10 potential isolates maximum chitinase activity (maximum halo zone diameter (2.6 cm) and chitinolytic index (3.13) and oxalate oxidase enzyme activity (maximum halo zone diameter 2.35cm) was observed in isolate CB10. A total of ten potential isolates were screened for PGPR characteristics. All the isolates were positive to siderophore production, phosphate solubilization activity, of which CB10 isolate recorded highest siderophore index, maximum zinc carbonate solubilization index and efficiency and NB13 recorded maximum IAA production, PSI and PSE% and also produced maximum ZSI and ZSE % for zinc phosphate, CB4 recorded highest potassium solubilizing index and efficiency and five isolates were positive for HCN production, four isolates for organic acid production, while isolate CB10 was produced maximum ACC (58nm-α-ketobutyrate mg-1h -1 ). All the ten potential isolates significantly increased seed germination, seedling growth (root &shoot length) and vigor index of rice seedlings when compared to control by paper towel method. Among these highest vigor index was recorded NB13 (2683.66), followed by CB10 (2380.70), CB4 (2214.83) which are significantly on par.EnglishSTUDIES ON BIOLOGICAL CONTROL POTENTIAL OF NATIVE BACILLUS SPP. AGAINST RHIZOCTONIA SOLANI KUHN. CAUSING RICE SHEATH BLIGHTThesis