Srivastava, Ratnesh PrasadRawat, Rahul2022-05-042022-05-042021-12, Visibility, Proximity, Detection, Recognition has always been a challenge for surveillance system. These challenges can be felt in the industries where surveillance systems are used like armed forces, technical-agriculture and other such fields. A way to get the ease of mind would be installing a security camera. Most of the smart system available are just for the surveillance of human intervention but there is a need for a system which can be used for animals as well because with the outburst of human population and symbiotic relationship with wild animals results in life loss and damage to agriculture. There are many electrical equipment’s available for home which can do the monitoring from a remote area all at a time. In this paper we are designing to overcome these above-mentioned challenges for human and animal-based surveillance system in real time application. The system setup is done on a Raspberry pi integrated with deep-learning models which performs the classification of objects on the frames, then the classified objects is given to a face detection model for further processing. The detected face is relayed to the back-end for feature mapping with the saved log files with containing features of familiar face IDs. Four models were tested for face detection out of which the DNN model performed the best giving an accuracy of 87.88%. The system is also able to send alerts to the admin if any threat is detected with the help of a communication module.EnglishIoT based surveillance system using DNNThesis