ANAND KUMAR, A(MAJOR)ASHOK KUMAR REDDY, A2018-10-292018-10-292009 Pongamia glabra vent, popularly known as karanj, belongs to Leguminaceae family which is a medium sized glabrous tree capable of growing under wide range of agro-climatic conditions. Karanj seed cake is the residue left after oil extraction, having scope for being used as protein source by replacing costly and scares soyabean meal or ground nut cake in poultry ration as it is rich in crude protein and is economical too. It’s incorporation in poultry ration is limited due to the toxic principle karanjin. The present study was undertaken to asses the effects of raw expeller pressed karanj seed cake (EKC) @10% of diet and efficacy of ameliorating agents methionine and activated charcoal @ 0.2% and 0.1% respectively. Day-old broiler chicks were divided into five groups consisting of 18 chicks in each group, various combinations of EKC, methionine and activated charcoal were incorporated as group I: control feed (CF), group II: CF + EKC @ 10%, group III: CF + EKC @ 10% + methionine @ 0.2%, group IV: CF + EKC @ 10% + activated charcoal @ 0.1% and group V: CF + EKC @ 10% + methionine @ 0.2% + activated charcoal @ 0.1% for 6 weeks of experimental period. All the experimental diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric and they were fed through out the experimental period of 6 weeks and the influence of experimental diets on broilers was observed for performance, changes in haematological, serobiochemical parameters, gross and histopathological changes. Body weight gains and feed intake were recorded in each group at weekly intervals. Six birds from each group were sacrificed randomly at fortnight intervals. Blood and serum samples were collected prior to sacrifice for haematological and sero biochemical estimations and tissue samples were collected at necropsy for histopathological studies. Very few birds exhibited loose droppings irrespective of EKC or amelioration groups and mortality was not recorded in any of the groups. Significant (P< 0.05) reduction in the mean body weight gains, feed consumption and increase in FCR in EKC fed group was observed in comparison to control group. Improved body weight gains, feed consumption and feed efficiency in amelioration groups from 2nd week onwards till the end of the experiment in comparison to EKC fed group was observed but the results were still better in methionine amelioration group. Haematological findings revealed that overall mean values of Hb, PCV, TEC and TLC were significantly (P< 0.05) reduced in EKC fed group in comparison to control group, this might be attributed to disturbances in metabolism that lead to deficiency of clotting factors. The serobiochemical studies showed a significant (P< 0.05) reduction in glucose, total protein, albumin and globulin levels while significant (P< 0.05) increase in total cholesterol, creatinine and AST levels in EKC fed group in comparison to control group. The gross pathological findings in EKC fed group included enlargement of heart, liver, kidney and regression of spleen, bursa of Fabricius and congestion of liver and kidney at the end of 6th week. In amelioration groups lesions were mild at the end of 4th week but they almost normal at the end of the experiment. The histopathological changes of EKC fed group revealed severe disruption, degeneration and separation of myocardial fibers in heart, severe sinusoidal congestion, degeneration, necrosis of hepatic cells and diffused lymphoid aggregations in hepatic lobes. Kidney sections showed severe degeneration of tubules and glomeruli, diffused inter tubular haemorrhages and presence of hyaline casts, spleen showed severe lymphoid depletion, thickened trabecular arteries and presence of haemosiderin pigment and bursa revealed depletion of lymphocytes, separation & rupture of follicles and presence of big cystic spaces in the follicles at the end of 6th week. The amelioration groups showed mild lesions in various organs in comparison to EKC fed group which might be due to their protective effect against toxicity induced by EKC. Depending on the results of the present study can be concluded that methionine @ 0.2% is effective in comparison to activated charcoal @ 0.1% in ameliorating the toxicity of raw EKC.ennullTOXICO PATHOLOGICAL STUDIES OF RAW KARANJ (Pongamia glabra vent) CAKE AND ITS AMELIORATION IN BROILER CHICKSThesis