Chandrakanth, M.GDIVYA LEKSHMI, U2017-09-052017-09-052016-07-13Th-11342 cropping pattern adopted by farmers in a rainfall deficit area in proximity to peri urban and urban center will not only depend upon agroclimatic and socio economic factors but also on their entrepreneurial ability. The farmers in the Eastren Dry Agroclimatic Zone are facing severe groundwater overdraft along with relatively low rainfall, but lured by market forces supported by infrastructure such as linkage by railways and roadways (highways) connected to Bangalore Metropolis on the one side and Chennai Metropolis on the other. The cropping pattern in Eastern Dry Zone is largely dominated by high value commercial crops such as vegetables, fruits, flowers. Farmers while responding to the market conditions in urban and peri urban set up, need to consider the rapidly depleting groundwater table. In addition, the subsidies and incentives by the State regarding electricity for pumping groundwater, subsidy on fertilizers, seeds, credit subsidy, in addition to price support for crops, directly and indirectly influence the decision making and obviously the cropping patternennullSUSTAINABILITY AND RESOURCE USE EFFICIENCY LEAD CROP PLANNING FOR EASTERN DRY ZONE OF KARNATAKA UNDER DIFFERENT RISK REGIMESThesis