Sengupta, S.K.Singh, Pratibha2017-02-272017-02-272016 present investigation entitled “Effect of micronutrients and biofertilizer application on growth, yield and quality characters in onion (Allium cepa L.)” was carried out during rabi season 2013-14 and 2014-15 at Horticulture complex, Department of Horticulture, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.). The main objectives of this study was to find out the most appropriate micronutrient in Allium cepa for maximum production of onion under biofertilizer assessment of the different level of micronutrients dose and biofertilizer on the yield attributing character and crop yield of onion grown under biofertilizer and evaluation of economic viability of the treatment. The two factors were chosen as a treatment. Factor A consisted of micronutrient and Factor B related with biofertilizers. The treatments consist of foliar spray of micronutrients and soil application of biofertilizers combination, T1 - (M1 + B0 ) (Fe 0%,B 0%, Zn 0%, Cu 0%, Mn 0% + no biofertilizer, T2 - (M2 + B0) (Fe 0.5%, B 0.1%, Zn 0.5%, Cu 0.2%, Mn 0.2%+ no biofertilizer), T3 - (M3 + B0) (Fe 1.0%, B 0.2%, Zn 1.0%, Cu 0.4%, Mn 0.4%+ no biofertilizer), T4-(M4 + B0) (Fe 1.5%, B 0.3%,Zn 1.5%, Cu 0.6%, Mn 0.6% + no biofertilizer), T5- (M5 + B0 (Fe 2.0%, B 0.4%, Zn 2.0%, Cu 0.8%,Mn 0.8% + no biofertilizer), T6- (M6 + B0) (Fe 2.5%, B 0.5%, Zn 2.5%, Cu 1.0%,Mn 1.0% + no biofertilizer), T7 - (M1 + B1) (Fe 0%,B 0%, Zn 0%, Cu 0%, Mn 0% + Azotobacter),T8 - (M2 + B1) (Fe 0.5%, B 0.1%, Zn 0.5%, Cu 0.2%, Mn 0.2% + Azotobacter), T9 - (M3 + B1) (Fe 1.0%, B 0.2%, Zn 1.0%, Cu0.4%, Mn 0.4% + Azotobacter), T10 - (M4 + B1) (Fe 1.5%, B 0.3%,Zn 1.5%, Cu0.6%, Mn 0.6% + Azotobacter), T11 - (M5 + B1) (Fe 2.0%, B 0.4%, Zn 2.0%, Cu.8%,Mn .8% + Azotobacter), T12 - (M6 + B1) (Fe 2.5%, B 0.5%, Zn 2.5%, Cu 1.0%, Mn 1.0% + Azotobacter), T13 - M1 + B2 (Fe 0%, B 0%, Zn 0%, Cu 0%, Mn 0% + Azospirillum), T14 – (M2 + B2) (Fe 0.5%, B 0.1%, Zn 0.5%, Cu 0.2%,Mn 0.2%+ Azospirillum), T15 – (M3 + B2) (Fe 1.0%, B 0.2%, Zn 1.0%, Cu 0.4%, Mn 0.4%+ Azospirillum), T16 – (M4 + B2) (Fe 1.5%, B 0.3%,Zn 1.5%, Cu 0.6%, Mn 0.6% + Azospirillum), T17 – (M5 + B2) (Fe 2.0%, B 0.4%, Zn 2.0%, Cu 0.8%,Mn 0.8% + Azospirillum), T18 – (M6 + B2) (Fe 2.5%, B 0.5%, Zn 2.5%, Cu 1.0%, Mn 1.0% + Azospirillum) were tested in factorial RBD design with 3 replications. Various observations on growth parameters in crop viz., plant height; Number of green leaves per plant, Length of leaves (cm), Neck thickness of bulb (mm), Bulb Diameter (cm), Average weight of bulb, T.S.S., Bolting%, Grading% of bulb and yield attributes viz., Yield of bulb per Plot (kg), Yield (q/Ha), Marketable Bulb yield per Plot (kg), Marketable Bulb yield (q/ha), Cost Economics (B: C ratio), Nutrient Concentration in onion bulb (mg/kg), Micronutrients Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B. Soil Fertility status after harvest, Nutrient uptake Micronutrients Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, B (g/ha) were recorded. Result were found to be significant in most of the growth, yield and quality attributing parameters of onion. The plant Height ( 55.00, 64.65, 74.38 and 77.86 cm), number of leaves per plant (6.58, 13.73, 16.76 and 18.55), Length of leaves (42.46, 48.76, 59.35 and 67.51 cm) at 30, 60, 90 and 120 DAT respectively, bulb Diameter (5.45 cm), average weight of bulb (64.650g), TSS content of bulb (18.323%), bulb yield per plot (17.08 kg) and bulb yield per hectare (341.50 q/ha), Marketable bulb yield Kg/plot (15.22), Marketable bulb yield (304.53 q ha-1), A grade bulb% (49.50), B grade bulb% (49.55), C grade bulb% (8.49), Cost Economics (B: C ratio) 3.08, Nutrient uptake Micronutrients Cu 0.78, Mn 0.059, Fe 0.84,, Zn 0.169 and B 0.247g/ha respectively, Nutrient Concentration in onion bulb Cu 169.32 mg/kg, Mn12.81 mg/kg, Fe 181.24 mg/kg, Zn 36.55 mg/kg, B 53.17 mg/kg, Content of Micronutrient (mgkg-1) in soil after harvest of crop Cu 1.17 mgkg-1, Mn 6.08 mgkg-1, Fe 10.9 mgkg-16, Zn 1.97 mgkg-1 and B 1.12 mgkg-1 were observed significantly maximum in treatment T14 - (Fe 0.5%, B 0.1%, Zn 0.5%, Cu 0.2%, Mn 0.2% + Azospirillum). Neck thickness of bulb (3.88, 6.05, 6.18 mm at 60, 90 and 120 DAT respectively were recorded significantly values were found under the control i.e M1 and B0. and Bolting 0.417% was recorded nonsignificantly values were found under the control i.e M1 and B0.enHORTICULTUREEffect of micronutrients and biofertilizers applic\tion on growth, yield and quality characters in onion (Allium cepa L.)Thesis