Ponnudurai, GSivaraman, SRani, NVeerapandian, CTANUVAS2020-01-062020-01-062015http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810139680TNV_BB_2015_34(1)1-4An outbreak of trypanosomosis caused by diminazinc resistant Trjvpanosoma evansi was recorded in 6.9 percent ofbutlalocs in an organised government farm during the month ofAugust’20 I2. A total of I44 buffaloes are being maintained at the district livestock farm, Orathanadu, Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu.enVeterinary ScienceAN OUTBREAK OF TRYPANOSOMOSIS IN BUFFALOES CAUSED BY DIMINAZENE RESISTANT TRYPANOSOMA EVANSIBuffalo BulletinArticle