Devarani, L.Dkhar, Jerrycane2023-04-242023-04-242022-10 is the most important cereal crop of India. In Meghalaya state of NE India, significant increase in the production of rice was observed, however, the production is still much below the demand of the state and productivity below the national average. Adoption of improved high yielding varieties is one of the best solutions for increasing agricultural productivity and improving the living standard of the farmers. Quite a number of improved/ high yielding varieties of rice were introduce to the farmers of Meghalaya of which CAU-R1 released by Central Agricultural University, Imphal is one. The study was conducted in two purposively selected districts Ri-Bhoi and West Jaintia Hills with the following objectives (1) To explore the farmers’ preferences regarding varietal traits of rice, (2) To find out the perception of the farmers regarding varietal traits of CAU R1 variety, (3) To study the influence of farmers' preferences and perception of varietal traits on adoption of improved rice varieties, (4) To identify and compare the constraints faced by the rice farmers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. From 3 villages of each district, 38 adopters of CAU-R1 were selected purposively and 60 non-adopters randomly. It was found that the respondent farmers prefer varieties that are high yielding, disease/pest resistant, non-lodging, easy to harvest, easy to thresh and low input requirement; and the grain traits viz., good taste and easy to cook. They perceive CAU-RI to have low tolerance to drought, flood and also the attack of disease (rice blast). They also felt that the variety has high input requirement and that the aroma and taste of the variety is not favourable as compared to the local varieties. Binary logistic regression revealed that perception towards the varietal traits high yield and non-lodging positively and significantly influence adoption decision of CAU-R1, while perception towards traits aroma and stickiness was found to have negatively significant influence. Problems like ‘lack of awareness on improved varieties’, ‘lack of training’, ‘unavailability of experts’, ‘unavailability of seeds’ and ‘high cost/shortage of labors’ were the most important constraints reported .COVID-19 pandemic specific problems identified were ‘difficulty to procure/ unavailability of seeds’ and ‘high cost of labor/ shortage of labor’. For increasing adoption of CAU-R1, certain mis-perceptions regarding the varietal traits of CAU-R1 need to be clarified through proper awareness and intensive result demonstrations. For local supply of seeds, local seed producers/ entrepreneurs should be encouraged. The study suggests participatory breeding programme involving farmers in all stages of breeding process so that their preferences are considered and adoption enhanced.EnglishInfluence of farmers’ preferences and perception of varietal traits on adoption of improved rice varieties in MeghalayaThesis