CHANNABASAVE GOWDA, R.KIRAN GOWDA, S. G.2017-06-272017-06-272009-07-15Th-9476 investigation was under taken to study effect of weed management practices on nutrient removal by weeds and its relation to yield of crops in eastern dry zone of Karnataka at MRS, Hebbal, Bangalore. Different weed management practices involving herbicides, mechanical weeding, hand weeding and intercropping were imposed in three major crops viz. finger millet, groundnut and maize. The results revealed that in finger millet, weed nutrient uptake recorded lowest in hand weeded plots compared to others, with 9.95, 1.08, 4.94, 3.65, 2.99, 1.74 kg ha-1 N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S respectively. In finger millet highest grain and straw yield was obtained in butachlor applied plots (4436.15 kg ha-1 and 8295 kg ha-1). In groundnut, pendimethalin applied plots recorded lowest nutrient uptake by weeds with 18.91, 2.15, 9.52, 3.32, 2.69, 3.07 kg/ha of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S respectively. The yield in pendimethalin 1.00 kg a.i. ha-1 at 3 DAS and hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS are on par with each other with 1564 kgha-1 and 1668 kgha-1 respectively. In maize crop weed uptake was reduced to minimum with 15.22kg N, 1.66 kg P, 7.26 kg K, 2.67 kg Ca, 2.23 kg Mg and 2.69 kgha-1 of S in hand weeded plots. Because of better control of weeds, higher maize grain (7257kgha-1 grain and 9680 kg ha-1 straw yield) yield in maize with cowpea intercrop and pendimethalin (30EC 0.5 kg a.i. ha-1 3 DAS) was obtained. Efficient control of weeds is necessary to increase the yield. By controlling weeds we can reduce the uptake of nutrients by them, there by making it available to crops and reduce the cost on excess nutrients. We can go for combination of chemical, mechanical and hand weeding, so that we can achieve maximum weed control and higher yields.ennullEFFECT OF WEED MANAGEMENT PRACTICES ON NUTRIENT REMOVAL BY WEEDS AND ITS RELATION TO YIELD OF CROPS IN EASTERN DRY ZONE OF KARNATAKAThesis