D. T. VaghelaTANDEL RUTVIKKUMAR PRAVINBHAI2021-07-082021-07-082019-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170287In the present study, an approach is made for studying of detail structures of scales from 36 species, belonging to 24 families and 10 orders of marine teleost fishes of Arabian sea with the use of Scanning electron microscope (SEM). The several scale characters i.e., focus area, inter-radial space, number and type of radii, size of lepidonts, type of cteni, inter-radial space is considered vital for the discrimination of these species. From each fish species, scales are taken from the three different body regions i.e., head, belly and caudal region in order to analyse the variation in the microstructure of scales in details. The scale is divided into anterior, lateral and posterior field. Various quantitative measurement i.e., J indices for width, J indices for length measured for discrimination of similar genus species. The scale size and J indices play a valuable tool for species discrimination. Based on evidences in the present study we can accomplish that (i) comparative study of scale morphology and its microstructure can be used to understand taxonomy of teleost species (ii) scale morphology and microscopic structures of scales are important for discrimination and identification of similar genus species.English“STUDY OF SCALE SIZE, SHAPE AND SURFACE MICROSTRUCTURE IN SELECTED GENUS UNDER SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE ALONG VERAVAL HARBOUR, GUJARAT” 2931Thesis