MERWADE, M NPATIL, AMAREGOUDA C2019-10-232019-10-232002No . of references 88 field experiments were conducted during rabi season of, 2001-02 at Main Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad to study the "Effect of NPK, ZnS04 and MgS04 on growth, seed yield and quality of gardenpea [Pisum sativum (L.)] Cv. Bonneville". Application of different levels of NPK fertilizers recorded significant differences for crop growth, seed yield and its attributes besides quality parameters. In general, the significant increasing trend was inconsistent under different fertilizer levels for all the parameters studied. The application of 37.5:78:50 NPK kg ha-1 recorded significantly highest seed yield (1984 kg ha-1) followed by 37.5:72:50 NPK kg ha1 (1902 kg ha1) and 37.5 :78:65 NPK kg ha-1 (1866 kg ha1). Compared to control (1571 kg ha-1). MgSCU recorded significantly higher crop growth, seed yield and its attributes and quality parameters as compared to ZnS04, irrespective of the methods of application. Among the methods of application, the M7 (SA+ST+FS) method recorded significantly highest crop growth, seed yield and quality parameters, compared to rest of the methods of application irrespective of the nutrients used. The significantly higher seed yield with better quality traits was noticed in M7 (1878 kg ha-1) followed by Ms (SA+FS) (1798 kg ha-1) and M4 (SA+ST) (1778 kg ha-') over the control. The interaction effect between nutrients and methods of application (NxM) was found to be nonsignificant for all the parameters studied. In general, higher seed yield and quality was obtained in both the nutrients when applied as soil application, seed treatment and foliar spray over rest of the treatment combinations.ennullEFFECT OF NPK, ZnS04 AND MgS04 ON GROWTH, SEED YIELD AND QUALITY OF GARDENPEA (Pisum sativum (L.)] Cv. BONNEVILLEThesis