A. RahmanBinod Kumar Singh2024-06-122024-06-121995https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810210405The growth and development of soybean in sole cropping system under the influence of different weed control treatments was reviewed. It was assumed that slow vegetative growth of soybean upto first 2 to 5 weeks of sowing provides on opportunity to weeds to germinate as well as to develop with vigour and this situation develops in heavy crop-weed competition for space, nutrients, moisture and sunlight. The suppression of weeds either by inter culturing implements or through applicetion of herbicides, till the crops develop their canopy well enough to compete with weeds. With this hypothesis in mind a field experiment was carried out in kharif 1993 at Birsa Agri cultural University Farm, Ranchi (Bihar) in randomised block design with three replications and ten treatments consisting of Alachlor (2.0 kg a.1. ha as pre-eng.), Fluchloralin (1.0 kg a.1.ha as PPI), Alachlor (2,0 kg a.1. ha pre-emg.as granules), Hoeing at 30 DAS, Clomozon (1.0 kg a.1. ha as pre-emg.), Setho zydim (1.5 kg a. 1. hape kg a.i.ha-1 post-emg. at 20-25 DAS), Sethoxydim (1,5 as pre-emg.), Two hand weeding at 3rd and 6th week after sowing, Weed free (15,30,45 and 60 DAS) and weedy check. The recommended dose of 20 kg N, 60 kg P205 and 40 kg K₂0 ha-² I was applied at the time of sowing in the form of Urea, Single super phosphate and Muriate of Potash respectively.EnglishEffect of Different weeds Control Methods on Growth and Yield of SoybeanThesis