Thangapandiyan, MKrishnaveni, PKumar, V, et al.,TANUVAS2022-12-022022-12-022022 geldings of eight and ten-year-old were presented to the Madras Veterinary College Teaching Hospital with tumor mass on the preputial region. Microscopical examination of one of the preputial mass revealed the presence of loosely arranged fi brovascular stoma with epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis. Finger like projections, rete pegs extend in to fi bromatous tissue were noticed and identifi ed as fi bropapilloma. The second mass revealed polyhedral shaped cells with pale blue cytoplasm and keratin pearls, suggestive of squamous cell carcinoma. On immunohistochemical study cytokeratin was expressed in both tumors while vimentin expression was high in squamous cell carcinoma. E-cadherin was poorly expressed in squamous cell carcinoma and intensely positive in Fibropapilloma. Based on histopathology and immunohistochemistry it was classifi ed as poorly diff erentiated squamous cell carcinoma and prone to metastasis. The current fi ndings concluded a possible role of vimentin in the development and progression of preputial tumour and vimentin and E-cadherin markers will be useful in the diagnosis and prognosis of preputial skin neoplasms in equines.EnglishVeterinary ScienceDiagnosis and immunohistochemical evaluation of equine preputial tumorsIndian J. Vet. Pathol.Article