Lakhi RamJoshi, Gagan2016-12-012016-12-012005 dynamics of paddy borers and biology of pink stem borer were carried out in the field, laboratory and screen-house at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Rice Research Station, Kaul during Kharif 2004. The population of borers fluctuated in different periods during the season. The maximum number of eggs and pupae were recorded in the first week of October while the maximum larvae were recorded in the third week of October indicating that population of borers (yellow stem borer and pink stem borer) build up late in season among the borers, yellow stem borer pre-dominated throughout the season while pink stem borer was dominating towards the maturity of the crop (2.26-23.01%). Though the egg parasitism was good (62.0%), larval and pupal parasitism was almost nil. Telenomous dignus was the dominating egg parasitoid. The maximum temperature, minimum temperature and evening relative humidity exhibited a negative relationship with total larvae. The relationship between mortality of larvae and maximum temperature was positive while it was negative with morning relative humidity. The pink stem borer eggs were thrust between the leaf sheath and stem. The third leaf sheath was preferred most on which maximum (80.03%) eggs were recorded. The incubation period was 5.34±0.10 days. The borer completed its post embryonic development in 78.76 (males), 82.5 days (females) and passed through eight instars with 36.00±0.75, 32.33±1.5 and 94.05±7.4 per cent survival, pupation and moth emergence, respectively. The mean larval and pupal period (male and female) was 67.44±0.55 and 9.08±0.19, 12.83±0.28 days, respectively. The average longevity of male and female was 10.9±0.48 and 11.4±0.75 days, respectively. The average fecundity was 332.1±16.99 eggs and hatchability 87.04±3.18 per cent.enPopulation dynamics of paddy borers and biology of pink stem borer, Sesamia inferens (Walker)Thesis