KANNAN DKECHE VISHAL ARUNRAOTANUVASAMUTHA RTHIRUVENKADAN AK2024-01-112024-01-112021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810206168The present study was conducted to study the growth and production performance of four different lines (L1, L2, L3 and L4) of Japanese quail. It was conducted in two stages, first stage includes 180 day-old straight-run chicks from each line, which were divided into ten replicates of 18 birds each followed by rearing up to five weeks of age to study the growth performance. The second stage includes nine females from each replicate, which were randomly selected at the end of fifth week and reared up to 16 weeks of age to study the body weight, age at sexual maturity, hen-housed (egg numbers) and hen-day (per cent) egg production, egg weight, feed efficiency in terms of feed per dozen of eggs and livability. All the experimental groups were subjected to uniform standard managemental conditions and fed with prescribed diets. The results revealed that a highly significant difference (P<0.01) in body weight was observed from one to five week of age. Highest fifth week body weight was recorded in L3 (235.31 g) followed by L2 (232.99 g), L1 (217.05 g) and lowest in L4 (203.62 g). The cumulative fifth week feed consumption showed non-significant difference at first and second week and highly significant difference (P<0.01) from third to fifth week of age. L3 consumed more feed (716.13 g) followed by L2 (703.85 g), L1 (670.41 g) and L4 (666.95 g). The better cumulative feed conversion ratio was observed in L2 (3.14) followed by L3 (3.16), L1 (3.22) and L4 (3.43).EnglishSTUDY ON PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE OF FOUR LINES OF JAPANESE QUAILThesis