Veerapandian, C.Narasimhan, K.S.Quayam, S.A.Pattabiraman, S.R.TANUVAS2022-07-062022-07-061987-02 is a widely acknowledged fact that balanced supply of nutrients in optimum quantity is essential for growth, production and reproduction. Restrained energy intake was observed to affect fertility in ewes ,Haines et a119S9) and in cows (Mc. Clure, t970) Influence of dIfferent managerical and feeding conditiom and anoestrus status on certain biochemical constituents is presented in this paper.EnglishVeterinary ScienceVeterinary Gynaecology and ObstetricsVariation in certain biochemical constituents in the blood of anoestrous buffaloes maintained under farm and urban conditionsCheironArticle