Chavan, Dr. S.D.BHATULKAR, AKSHAY RAJENDRARAO2021-04-142021-04-142020-11-25BHATULKAR, AKSHAY RAJENDRARAO, (2020). Performance of Sahiwal heifers on silage feeding prepared in combination of sorghum and gliricidia. Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola., M. Sc. 2020. Print. xi, 61p. (Unpublished). present investigation was undertaken during the year 2019-2020. The purpose of present investigation was to study the quality of silage prepared from different combination of sorghum and Gliricidia silage, to evaluate different combination of sorghum and Gliricidia silage on growth performance of Sahiwal heifers, to find out the palatability of sorghum and Gliricidia silage.The study entitled “Performance of Sahiwal heifers on silage feeding prepared in combination of sorghum and Gliricidia” was conducted for 8 weeks periods sixteen Sahiwal heifers were divided into 4 groups. Four treatments studied namely T1- Sorghum + Gliricidia (100% + 0%), T2- Sorghum + Gliricidia (75), T3- Sorghum + Gliricidia (50% + 50%), T4- Sorghum + Gliricidia (25% + 75%). The proximate analysis of different silage combinations showed higher DM (31.90%) in T1- Sorghum + Gliricidia (100% + 0%), T4- Sorghum + Gliricidia (25% + 75%) was higher in CP (13.45%) content, T1- Sorghum + Gliricidia (100% + 0%) was higher in CF (40.45%) content, T4- Sorghum + Gliricidia (25% + 75%) was higher in EE (3.67%) content, T4- Sorghum + Gliricidia (25% + 75%) was higher in NFE (43.98) content, T3- Sorghum + Gliricidia (50% + 50%) showed higher ash content (10.42%) The palatability of T1- Sorghum + Gliricidia (100% + 0%) was observed higher than other silage combinations. The highest gain in body weight of Sahiwal heifers was observed in T4- Sorghum + Gliricidia (25% + 75%) i.e. 22 kg, followed by T3 i.e. 20 kg and lowest in T1 i.e. 14 kg. Gain in chest girth, height and length of Sahiwal heifers was observed more in treatment T4 and T3 as compared to T1 and T2. Daily dry matter intake per 100 kg body weight of Sahiwal heifers were higher in T4 followed by T3 and T2 treatments respectively.EnglishPERFORMANCE OF SAHIWAL HEIFERS ON SILAGE FEEDING PREPARED IN COMBINATION OF SORGHUM AND GLIRICIDIAThesis