CHANNAKESHAWA, SCHETANA, BANASODE2023-02-022023-02-022022-02-08Th-13136 experiments were conducted in the farmers’ field at Bhairapura village, Alur taluk, Hassan district of Karnataka during the Kharif and Rabi season of 2019-2020 to studies on zinc and boron application on the paddy – cowpea cropping sequence in acid soils of Hassan district, Karnataka. Paddy was the test crop to study the direct effect and cowpea cropping sequences in acid soils of Hassan district, Karnataka. Paddy was the test crop to study the direct effect and cowpea crop was raised to study the residual effect. The experiments were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with thirteen treatments and replicated thrice. The experiments results revealed that significantly higher grain yield of paddy (60.45 q ha-1) and seed yield of 1358-54 kg ha-1 in the succeeding cowpea crop was recorded with the application of NPK (100:50:50 kg ha-1) + FYM (10 t ha-1)+ ZnSO4 @ 25 kg ha-1 + Borax @ 5 kg ha-1 (T5) which was on par with NPK+FYM+25 kg has-1 ZnSO4+10 kg ha-1 Borax (T7). The increase in yield in both the crops was due to improvement in growth and yield parameters and uptake of nutrients. Direct and residual effect of NPK + FYM + ZnSO4 @ 25kg ha-1 Borax @ 5 kg ha-1 recorded significantly higher available S,Zn, B content in soil after harvest of paddy and cowpea. However, significantly higher soil available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content were observed in the treatment that received NPK+FYM in paddy – cowpea cropping system after harvest of both the crops. Study revealed that application NPK + FYM + 25 kg ha-1 ZnSO4+ 10 kg has-1 Borax (T7) recorded significantly higher zinc fractions (WSEX, OC, CRYOX, AMOX, MN and RES Zn) and boron fractions (RS, SA, Oxide, Org and RES B) at harvest of paddy and cowpea crops and it was on par with T5 treatment.EnglishSTUDIES ON ZINC AND BORON APPLICATION ON THE PADDY – COWPEA CROPPING SEQUENCE IN ACID SOILS OF HASSAN DISTRICT, KARNATAKAThesis