Sharma, G.D.Sharma, Rahul2019-08-262019-08-262019-07 study was carried out in a continuing experiment under AICRP-WM (All India Coordinated Research Project on Weed Management) during 2017-18 (rabi) to 2018 (kharif) at the research farm of Department of Agronomy, Forages and Grassland Management, CSK HP Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur. Ten weed control treatments viz., T1- hoeing, T2- stale seed bed + hoeing, T3- raised stale seed bed + hoeing, T4- mulch, T5- stale seed bed + mulch, T6- raised stale seed bed + mulch, T7- intercropping, T8- crop rotation, T9- intensive cropping and T10- chemical check. There were 22 weed species in garlic and 19 weed species in maize. Phalaris minor, Daucus carota and Anagallis arvensis were the major weeds constituting 17.0, 14.0 and 12.0 per cent, respectively of the total weed flora in garlic. Commelina benghalensis, Galinsoga parviflora and Ageratum sp. were the major weeds constituting 21.0, 17.0 and 11.0 per cent, respectively of the total weed flora in maize. In garlic, lowest population of grasses was recorded in stale seed bed + mulch being statistically at par with raised stale seed bed + mulch and mulch. Whereas, broad-leaved weeds’ population was lowest in stale seed bed + hoeing being statistically at par with raised stale seed bed + hoeing and hoeing. In maize, population of grasses and sedges was not affected significantly by various weed control treatments. Whereas, population of sedges was minimum in raised stale seed bed + hoeing being statistically at par with mulch, intensive cropping, stale seed bed + mulch and intercropping. Maximum plant height, number of functional leaves/plant, number of plants, bulb weight, number of cloves/bulb, bulb yield, straw yield and harvest index of garlic were obtained in raised stale seed bed + hoeing. Crop rotation had highest total cost of cultivation followed by raised stale seed bed + hoeing and stale seed bed + hoeing. ‘Intensive cropping’ gave highest gross returns followed by intercropping and raised stale seed bed + hoeing. Intercropping gave highest net returns followed by intensive cropping and raised stale seed bed + hoeing. Intercropping had highest B/C ratio followed by intensive cropping and raised stale seed bed + mulch.ennullSTRATEGIES TO MANAGE WEEDS IN ORGANIC CROP PRODUCTION SYSTEM (MAIZE-GARLIC) UNDER MID HILL CONDITIONS OF HIMACHAL PRADESH.Thesis