Dr. K. C. PatelNagesh L. Chaudhari2023-04-102023-04-102021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810196182A pot study was conducted at net house of Micronutrient Research Scheme, AAU, Anand during rabi season of 2020-21 to study the “Evaluation of different varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for their response and nutrient content to iron application in Typic Ustochrepts soil. The treatments included of three wheat varieties like V1: Lok 1, V2: GW 366 and V3: HI 1544, four levels Fe application Fe0: Control, Fe1: 50 kg FeSO4 ha-1 , Fe2: 50 kg FeSO4 ha-1 + 0.5% FeSO4 at 30 & 60 DAS & Fe3: 0.5% FeSO4 at 30 & 60 DAS. The two different soils i.e. Fe deficient soil (S1) and Fe sufficient soil (S2) were taken under study. The rating of DTPA-Fe was considered as 5.0 mg kg-1 soil. The both soils under study was low in organic C, high available P2O5, K2O and DTPA-Zn. The experimental design was factorial complete randomized design (3 factors) and treatments repeated thrice. The ancillary observations like plant height at 30 DAS and harvest were taken in accordance with the crop growth in pots. At maturity stage, grain and straw weight were also recorded from each pot. The macro and micronutrients content were analyzed after harvest of wheat from soil and plant samples as per standard analytical techniques.EnglishEVALUATION OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) FOR THEIR RESPONSE AND NUTRIENT CONTENT TO IRON APPLICATION IN TYPIC USTOCHREPTS SOILThesis