Dr. D. M. JETHVADAVARIA PRATIK JAYSHUKHBHAI10101200042023-12-272023-12-272023-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810204690The present investigations were framed to evaluate different doses and release rates of Gir Sawaj Mating Disruption Paste (MDP) and the installation of sex pheromone traps at different trap densities and heights for the management of pink bollworm in cotton. The field studies were carried out on farmers' fields at Khadiya, Nani-Parabdi, and Kathrota villages of Junagadh district during the year, 2021-22 and 2022-23. The results showed that the use of Gir Sawaj MDP @ 500 g/ha and 400 g/ha resulted in the lowest percentage of rosette flowers (2.40-3.20% and 2.60-3.40%), green boll damage (3.10-3.30% and 3.35-3.55%), open boll damage (4.00-4.40% and 4.30-4.65%) and locule damage (4.28-4.65% and 4.65-4.95%), respectively. These doses were also found to be equally effective in reducing moth catches with the lowest (2.07 and 2.66 moths/trap/week) moths catches observed in Gir Sawaj MDP @ 500 and 400 g/ha, respectively. The study suggested that the use of Gir Sawaj MDP @ 500 g/ha and 400 g/ha could be an effective strategy to manage pink bollworm infestation in cotton. The concentration of pheromone in Gir Sawaj MDP decreases gradually over time and the paste needs to be re-applied after a certain duration to ensure the reduction of pests. The decay curve analysis revealed that the reduction in pheromone content was 16.09%, 24.89%, 53.85% and 70.14% after 10, 20, 30 and 40 days, respectively. The study also revealed that the residual pheromone in Gir Sawaj MDP decreased from 100% on the day of application to 29.86% after 40 days. However, the release of pheromone persisted until the residues were depleted, with stronger adhesive forces leading to a slower release of pheromone over time. The release rate of pheromone in Gir Sawaj MDP for cotton pink bollworms is gradual, and the paste needs to be re-applied periodically to maintain its effectiveness. The recommended dose of Gir Sawaj MDP @ 400 g/ha was evaluated with the farmers' practices. The results of both years showed that the lowest percentage of rosette flowers (2.34% and 1.57%), green boll damage (3.18% and 2.55%), open boll damage (3.68% and 3.08%) and locule damage (3.98% and 3.55%) was recorded in the Gir Sawaj MDP @ 400 g/ha as compared to farmers’ practices. The treatment also led to a reduction of moth catches (4.10 and 2.60 moths/traps/week) and an increase in cotton yield (3267 kg/ha). Moreover, Gir Sawaj MDP @ 400 g/ha showed economic feasibility with high net realization (₹109510/ha) and high ICBR of 1:13.52 as compared to farmers' practices. Therefore, Gir Sawaj MDP was found to be superior to farmers' practices for the effective management of pink bollworms in cotton. The sex pheromone traps installed @ 60 and 50 traps/ha recorded the lowest percentage of rosette flowers (3.20-4.70% and 3.60-5.20%), green boll damage (4.90- 5.20% and 5.30-5.60%), open boll damage (5.90-6.40% and 6.30-6.90%), locule damage (6.60-7.70% and 7.10-8.40%), moth catches (43.52 and 38.20 moths/trap/week) and the highest cotton yield (3029 and 2917 kg/ha), respectively. The study concluded that a trap density of 50 pheromone traps per hectare is optimal for managing pink bollworm infestation in cotton. The population of pink bollworms was correlated with weather parameters and the results discovered a significant positive correlation between moth catches and maximum temperature and bright sunshine hours while it showed a significant negative correlation with morning and evening relative humidity and wind speed. It appears that sex pheromone traps installed at the crop canopy level were the most effective height of traps for capturing moths of cotton pink bollworm as they recorded the highest (28.13 moths/trap/week) number of moth catches. However, it was followed by traps installed above and below 15 cm in height, which recorded 17.98 and 16.99 moths/trap/week, respectively. The results showed that the installation of sex pheromone traps at the crop canopy level was found to be effective for the management of pink bollworms. From the overall results of the present investigations, it is recommended to give three applications of Gir Sawaj MDP @ 500 g/ha or 400 g/ha at 40 days of interval as the pheromone exhibited slow release rate from the paste upto 40 days or install sex pheromone traps @ 60 or 50 traps/ha at crop canopy level for the effective management of pink bollworm in cotton.EnglishEVALUATION OF MATING DISRUPTION PASTE (MDP) TECHNOLOGY AND SEX PHEROMONE TRAP FOR COTTON PINK BOLLWORM 3769Thesis