Dharminder SinghLakhwinder Singh2018-07-272018-07-272018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810062157The present study entitled “Status and prospects of organised and unorganised potato seed producers in Punjab” was conducted in a cluster of three major potato seed producing districts of Punjab i.e. Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur and Kapurthala. A sample of 180 respondents comprising 90 organised and 90 unorganised potato seed producers were selected. It was found that majority of the organised and unorganised respondents were in the age group of 40-55 years and having joint families with average size 4-6 members and had large operational land holding. Majority of the respondents had medium level of risk bearing capacity, economic motivation and innovativeness. Study revealed that majority of the respondents had adopted recommended potato varieties at their fields. More number of organised farmers obtained seed from govt. sources like CPRI (30.00%) and PAU in comparison to unorganised farmers and used foundation and certified seed for multiplication. Organised respondents planted their crops earlier. Majority (91.11%) of organised respondents performed dehaulming at 60-80 DAS, while majority of unorganised respondents (55.56%) performed dehaulming at 100-120DAS. On an average, organised respondents applied more number of sprays of insecticides (1.82) and fungicides (2.06) to produce quality potato seed as compared to 1.60 and 1.80 in case of unorganised respondents. Organised potato seed producers usually graded their produce for distant markets of other states and were not much dependent on middleman for selling their produce. About 37.77 per cent of unorganised and 13.33 percent of organised expressed their desire to decrease 9.0 and 1.29 per cent area under potato seed production in future, respectively. Non-remunerative prices, lack of regulated markets, nonavailability of storage facilities, price fluctuation in the markets, high cost of seed and nonavailability of quality seed were major problems faced by the respondents.ennullStatus and prospects of organised and unorganised potato seed producers in PunjabThesis