Patel, A. M.Patel, Vipul A.2018-06-292018-06-292000 population buildup of C. maculatus was found faster after 60 days of the storage. The population of pulse beetle increased upto 964 folds in mungbean grains as compared to initial number released. Due to pulse beetle infestation in mungbean, 98.05 per cent seed damage, whereas 39.74 per cent weight loss and cent per cent germination loss was observed within 120 days of the storage after initial infestation. All the stages (egg, larvae and pupae) of pulse beetle were controlled by exposing the grains to open sun for six hours between 9 a.m. (30.3 C) to 3 p.m. (39.6 C). Seed germination of seeds was hampered by 8.75 per cent due to solar heat treatment. The different varieties of mungbean were screened to identify resistant varieties against C. maculatus. Varieties GM-9315, GM-3 and GM-9206 proved to be resistant against pulse beetle amongst 8 varieties screened. The effect of various physico-chemical properties of mungbean varieties on the oviposition preference and adult emergence of C. maculatus exhibited. Low oviposition preference and adult emerengence were observed in the varieties of mungbean with high protein while weight and volume of seeds showed no correlation.enAGRICULTURAL ENTOMOLOGY, AGRICULTUREMANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT OF PULSE BEETLE, CALLOSOBRUCHUS MACULATUS FABRICIUS IN STORED MUNGBEANThesis