N. K. GontiaJAYSWAL PRITI SURYANATHPRASAD(Registration No. J4-01544-2014)2023-11-102023-11-102021-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810200898Morphometric analysis of the Dhatarwadi river basin revealed that, it is found to be a 6th order drainage basin in its youth stage having dendentric type drainage pattern in most of the area, which is free from the influence of the geological structure. The basin is having near about flat terrain with small hillocks/inselbergs and elongated in shape along with high permeable subsoil material under dense vegetative cover indicating low to moderate runoff potential of the basin. There are 13 milli-watersheds in Dhatarwadi river basin, having 3rd to 5th order drainage network. The milli watersheds are showing moderate to less structural disturbance, high permeable geology, good vegetation cover, high infiltration, low runoff and less soil erosion condition. All the 13 milli-watersheds are more or less elongated in shape and have low to high relief. Among 13 milli-watersheds, the milli-watershed: 5G1D4d should be prioritized first for applying soil and water conservation measures followed by 5G1D4e, 5G1D4h, 5G1D4k, 5G1D4j, 5G1D4g, 5G1D4c, 5G1D4b, 5G1D4a, 5G1D4i, 5G1D4l, 5G1D4m, 5G1D4f as they ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th , 11th, 12th and 13th ranking in priority analysis. In this study, to estimate surface runoff potential, 16 years of weather and discharge data along with SRTM DEM imagery, soil maps, land use/cover map and slope map were used as primary inputs for SWAT model. The weather and discharge data were divided into calibration period (year 2002 to 2011) and validation period (year 2013 to 2017). The global sensitivity analysis for the study area highlighted that CN2, SOL_BD, GW_Delay and RCHARG_DP.gw were found as sensitive parameters. Based on SWAT model runoff simulation, the average annual precipitation of 680.94 mm could generate 217.75 mm (186.4 MCM) runoff. Groundwater recharge for the study area were estimated using Water Table Fluctuation method, Krishna Rao (1970), Athavale (2003), Maheta & Rank (2017), Kumar & Seethapathi (2002), developed linear models; Model I, Model II and non-linear; Model III during year 2002 to 2017. The linear empirical model II (R2 = 0.828) for ground water recharge estimation performed well than empirical model I and III during calibration period (year 2003 – 2011). During validation period (year 2013 – 2017) the non-linear empirical model III performed well with 0.848 R2 value. Data shown that the overall iv mean groundwater recharge in the Dhatarwadi river basin was estimated to be 15.09 % (87.61 MCM) of the mean annual rainfall. Groundwater recharge estimation formulae i.e. Athavale (2003), Maheta and Rank (2017), developed Model I and Model II were found perfectly positively correlated to each other. The non-linear empirical model for the ground water recharge in the Dhatarwadi river basin is proposed as; R= 0.037(P-20)1.17 . For water harvesting site selection, AHP generated weight for criteria were 36.1%, 20.6%, 18.6 %, 13.1 % and 11.7 % for rainfall, land use/land cover, soil texture, lineament density and slope, respectively. In study area, 66.79 % area found very high suitable, 24.89 % highly suitable, 5.63 % moderately suitable, 0.88 % less suitable and remaining 1.81 % area found not suitable for water harvesting sites. 25 sites for check dam on scrubland, 52 check dam sites on crop land and 11 check dams on river bed were possible sites identified within the Dhatarwadi river basin. 29 farm pond sites were identified within the Dhatarwadi river basin.EnglishESTIMATION OF WATER HARVESTING AND GROUNDWATER RECHARGE POTENTIAL OF DHATARWADI RIVER BASIN USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS 3307Thesis