G. C. MahantaUma Shankert Prasad Singh2024-08-292024-08-291970https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810214027From the results of the present investigation, it may be concluded that dry sowing if Superior to transplanting in case of dwarf paddy and among the methods of dry sowing, spot placement method proved to be the best. Therefore, it may be recommended for adoption in this agro-climatic region of sabour, where the investigation was conducted. Any of the varieties namely IR8 and Taichung Native-1 may be recommended on the basis of their net profit on capital investment, but IR8 may be recommended for higher food production .This conclusion is drawn on the basis of results of a single year experiment and needs confirmation by further experimentation.EnglishPerformance of Dwarf Rices Under Dry Sowing And TransplantingThesis