BHUPENDER DUTTSHIVANI2022-10-272022-10-272022-10 The present investigation entitled “Studies on morphology, reproductive biology and production of Silybum marianum L.” were carried out in the experimental field as well as in the laboratory of the Department of Forest Products, College of Forestry, Dr Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (HP) during 2021-2022. Work done on morphological and reproductive studies of Silybum marianum showed plant to be an erect herbaceous annual herb. Stem was cylindrical, branched, hollow, spineless, glabrous and ribbed longitudinally with distinct nodes and internodes. The plant had taproot system. Leaves were simple, alternate, broad, oblanceolate and pinnately lobed with spiny edges. Leaves in a basal rosette at first and later alternates along the stem. Inflorescence, capitulum comprising of disc florets on long stalk sourrounded by thorny involucre bracts. Involucre bracts were lanceolate to ovate, spiny fringed and tipped. Flowers, bracteate, sessile, actinomorphic, hermaphrodite, epigynous. Pistil, bicarpellary, ovary inferior, unilocular with a single basal ovule. Fruits cypsela crowded with a hairy pappus. Flowering starts from Ist week of April i.e., 130 days after seed sowing. The type of dichogamy present in flower was observed protandry where anther matures first before stigma receptivity. Number of seeds per plant was found highest in selfing by bagging (641.14) as compared to open pollination (593.42) and controlled cross (170.28), respectively. In pollination studies, the species favoured selfing by bagging. Effect of different growing media on seed germination and growth parameters revealed that among ten treatments, the combination of Soil + Sand + Vermicompost + Cocopeat (1:1:1:1) resulted in early initiation of germination (9.00), minimum mean days taken to complete daily germination (21.00), maximum germination percentage (84.34 %), maximum mean daily germination (4.01 %), maximum germination energy index (41.50 %), maximum seedling root length (29.40 cm) and maximum seedling shoot length (25.26 cm). Effect of different doses of FYM and spacings on growth and yield of Silybum marianum. The results showed that 45t/ha FYM recorded maximum plant height (179.89 cm), maximum stem length (174.54), maximum number of internodes (16.15), maximum stem thickness (12.50 mm), maximum number of flowers per plant (8.57), maximum number of leaves per plant (17.97), maximum number of branches per plant (5.85), maximum weight of fresh flowering shoot (128.10 g), maximum weight of dry shoot (48.01 g), maximum seed yield per plant (15.05 g) and maximum estimated seed yield q/ha (10.01). Among different spacings, 45 x 60 cm showed maximum plant height (167.60 cm), maximum stem length (162.75 cm), maximum number of internodes (14.95), maximum stem thickness (11.35 mm), maximum number of flowers per plant (7.29), maximum number of leaves per plant (16.41), maximum number of branches per plant (4.70), maximum fresh flowering shoot weight (116.93 g), maximum dry shoot per plant (37.10 g) and maximum seed yield per plant (13.69). Maximum estimated seed yield q/ha (10.09) was recorded in 30 x 30 cm spacing.EnglishSTUDIES ON MORPHOLOGY, REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND PRODUCTION OF Silybum marianum LThesis