Sahu, R.M.Choudhary, Gagan2016-06-222016-06-222015 India pvt. Ltd. is a leading company in pesticides market of Chhattisgarh. The present study had been assigned by the organization for the period of two months in-plant training programme in the Bemetara district of Chhattisgarh with a view to analyze the supply chain management of company, market response of new product and also the support services provided to the farmers by Dupont pvt. ltd. The present study entitled “ S t u d y o f M a r k e t S h a r e a n d M a r k e t P o t e n t i a l o f I n s e c t i c i d e f o r P a d d y C r o p i n B e m e t a r a D i s t r i c t o f C h h a t t i s g a r h w i t h R e f e r e n c e t o D u P o n t P v t . L t d " was undertaken with the following objectives as stated below  To study the status of main distributor and their turnover in Bemetara District.  To access the market Share of insecticide in the study area  To estimate the market Potential of insecticide in paddy crop  To study the farmer preference about the use of insecticide  SWOT Analysis The important findings are summarized below: 1. The Bayer Crop Science had lion's share in total Insecticides in Bemetara alone accounting about 26.59 per cent of the total quantity sold in the study area followed by Syngenta accounting 23.78 per cent of the total Insecticide sold. Closer competitor was DuPont (21.85%) P I (17.43%) and Dhanuka (10.35%) in the district shared. Thus the Bayer crop science and Syngenta together capture more than 50 percent area of the Insecticide market in Bemetara district of Chhattisgarh. 2. Among the sale quantum of all the products of different companies in the study area, the leading company was Bayer who alone sold over Rs.2.95 crore per annum followed by Syngenta company accounting 2.5 crore DuPont Rs1.80 crore and P I Rs1.35 crore and Dhanuka Rs 1.1 crore per annum respectively in the study area. 3. The micro-level analysis of the data collected indicated that average size of the sample respondents holding was 1.41 hectare in small, 2.50 hectare in medium and 4.20 hectare in Large farm with an average of 2.46 hectare in all size group together. The net irrigated area has 38, 49, and 65 hectare in different size groups respectively. 4. Bayer and Syngenta products of Insecticides were preferred by the sample farmers due to good response, easy accessibility and relatively low price.eninsecticides, productivity, markets, crops, area, marketing, economics, land resources, sales, riceStudy of market share and market potential of insecticide for paddy crop in bemetara district of chhattisgarh with reference to dupont pvt. ltdThesis