Mahadevappa D GouriRAGHAVENDRA.G2024-01-032024-01-032022 experiment was conducted to compare the effectiveness of different heat stress alleviating methods for lactating dairy cattle. Twelve lactating dairy were selected and grouped into three treatments with four animals each group. The treatments vizT1 as control, T2 (micro sprinklers) and T3 (wet gunny bags). The daily variation of min & max environmental temperature and relative humidity were recorded both inside and outside the shed, whereas 18.7 and 31.5 °C & 36.4 and 79.2 per cent inside the shed respectively and outside the shed was 20.2 and 32.1°C & 41.7 and 84.0 per cent respectively. The chemical compositions of feed were estimated and dry matter intake was showed nonsignificant difference among treatment groups. The effect of heat stress or raise in ambient temperature on physiological parameters viz., rectal temperature and pulse rate was non-significant, whereas the respiration rate was found significant (P<0.005) among the groups. Milk yield (kg/d) was significant between T1 and T2 (P<0.013) & T2 and T3 (P<0.043) and non-significant between T1 and T3. Similarly for milk fat % showed significant difference (P<0.001) between T1 and T3 & T2 and T3 (P<0.001), but it was non-significant between T1 and T2 groups. The SNF%, protein %, lactose % and CLR showed non-significant difference among treatments groups. The fat yield (g/d) showed significant (P<0.05) difference among all the groups. The protein and lactose yields (g/d) were found to be non-significant. Fortnightly body weight changes (kg) showed nonsignificance among the treatment groups. The serum cortisol (μg/dl), sodium (mEq/L) and potassium (mEq/L) levels estimated on 0th, 30th and 60th day showed non-significant difference. Hence the mild heat stress may not alter performance of dairy cows significantly. Therefore, necessary modification of microclimate for rearing lactating dairy cows is needed.EnglishAMELIORATION OF HEAT STRESS WITH MODIFIED MICROCLIMATE IN LACTATING DAIRY CATTLEThesis