Srinivasan, MRSabarinathan, AGeetha, A, et al.,TANUVAS2021-09-152021-09-152017-07 study describes the suitable vaginal exfoliative cytology staining technique for the study of various stage of estrus cycle. Two staining techniques namely Crystal violet and Papanicolaou stains were compared and evaluated for various types of cells during the four stage of estrous cycle in rats. The study revealed that the Papanicolaou staining is a better method over crystal violet staining technique, because the Papanicolaou staining is polychromatic, hence it yields clear nuclear and cytoplasmic details of vaginal exfoliativecells. This study concludes that the Papanicolaou staining technique can be utilized for vaginal exfoliative cells staining for the determination various cell stages in estrous cycle in rats.EnglishVeterinary ScienceA Comparative Study on Staining Techniques for Vaginal Exfoliative Cytology of RatJournal of Dairy & Veterinary SciencesArticle