PrameelaMANJUNATHA, N2017-06-162017-06-162010-07-10 (Sesamum indicum L.) commonly known as ‘Thil’ is an important oil seed crop grown in India and the oldest oilseed crop in the world. The crop is grown in a wide range of environments, extending from semi arid tropics and sub tropics to temperate regions. The primary centre of origin could be placed in Fertile Crescent or Indian sub continent or in Iran Afghanistan area. Since, most of the wild species in the genus are located in Africa, it has been suggested that Ethiopia is the centre of origin (Anon., 2006). Sesame seed is a rich source of edible oil. Its oil content generally varies from 46 to 52 per cent and protein content varies between 20 to 26 per cent. Sesame seeds may be eaten by frying and mixing with sugar or in the form of sweet meats. Sesame oil is used as cooking medium in southern India. Sesame cake is a rich source of protein, carbohydrates and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. The cake is edible and is eaten widely by working classes. It is also a valuable and nutritious feed for milch cattle (Anon., 2006). India is the largest producer of sesame in the world. It also ranks first in the world in terms of sesame growing area of 1.79 mha with the production of 0.73 mt and with a productivity of 421 kg/ha (Anon., 2009). It is grown in India during ‘kharif’, ‘rabi’ and summer seasons or more than one season in different states. Among various states in India, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and West Bengal are the important sesame growing states, in which Karnataka stands 7th in area and 8th in respect of production. In Karnataka, the crop is grown in an area of 0.87 lakh hectares with an annual production of 0.48 lakh tonnes (Anon., 2009).ennullMolecular detection and characterization of Sesame [Sesamum indicum L.] phyllody phytoplasmaThesis