Dr. P. V. PatelSUBHASH SHARMA2017-04-182017-04-182012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810009728In the present study, a total of 639 faecal samples of goats were collected from different villages of Anand district of Gujarat during the period from July-2011 to June- 2012 and were examined for the presence of helminth parasites. The results revealed that the overall prevalence of helminthic infection was 64.79 percent. The overall prevalence of Trichuris spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Moniezia spp. and mixed infection were 17.37, 27.70, 12.36 and 7.36 percent, respectively. The mixed infection of Trichuris and Trichostrongylus spp., Trichuris and Moniezia spp., Trichuris, Trichostrongylus and Moniezia spp., and Trichuris and Paramphistomum spp. were recorded as 20 (3.13%), 15 (2.35%), 12 (1.88%) and 1 (1.67%) respectively. The overall maximum prevalence of helminths was observed in the month of JulyenVeterinary Parasitology,StudyStudySTUDIES ON PREVALENCE, CLINICO-BIOCHEMICAL AND HISTOPATHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF HELMINTH PARASITES OF GOATS IN ANAND DISTRICTThesis