Singh, Arun KumarYarazari, Shivananda P.2023-05-062023-05-062022Innovativeness present study was undertaken in the Vijayapura district of Karnataka during 2020-21 to measure the entrepreneurial behaviour of dry grape producers. A sample of 200 respondents were purposively selected from Vijayapura and Indi taluks by using random sampling method. The data was collected by personal interview method with help of structured schedule. The results revealed that more than half numbers of the respondents (57.00%) belonged to medium innovativeness category whereas 54.00 per cent of the respondents were under medium risk orientation category. High percentage (60.50%) of the respondents belonged to medium decision making ability category while 53.00 per cent of the respondents belonged to medium leadership ability category. As high as 47.00 per cent of the respondents were under medium economic motivation category and more than half numbers of the farmers (51.00%) belonged to medium achievement motivation category. More than two fifth of the farmers (44.00%) were under medium management orientation category while 60.00 per cent of farmers belonged to medium entrepreneurial behaviour category. More than two fifth of the farmers (46.00%) were under medium adaptability category whereas 45.00 per cent of farmers belonged to medium sustainability category. Higher percentage of the farmers (67.00%) had medium satisfaction in their dry grape production. Majority of the farmers (50.50%) had medium prestige earned while more than two fifth of the farmers (44.00%) had medium success-failure category. 45.00 per cent of respondents were using “Producers -Consumer” marketing channel. Entrepreneurial behaviour of dry grape producers was positively and significantly correlated with independent variables such as education, land holding, annual income, mass media exposure, extension contact, social participation, training received, cosmopoliteness, market orientation, credit orientation and scientific orientation. The Multiple Linear Regression Analysis indicated that all the fifteen independent variables could explain a variation of 37.55 per cent in influencing entrepreneurial behaviour of dry grape producers. Heavy investment on inputs and no standard package of practices available from Agriculture or Horticulture Universities were the major constraints faced by the dry grape producers.EnglishAn Analysis Of Dry Grape Producers In Karnataka State.Thesis