SAROJA, K.KINNAL, ANURADHA M.2019-10-312019-10-3109-09-99Th-5259 descriptive study was carried out in 6 randomly selected Lambani Tandas, with a sample of 80 respondents, selected in multistages and a purposive sub sample of 8, from the main sample. Data was collected by interview and case study methods. Majority of the respondents were in the age group of 20-45 years with 2-4 children and an average of 2 dependents. Majority of them belonged to broken nuclear family. Majority were illiterate, landless, agricultural labourers with an annual family income of Rs. 11,517, with no material and livestock possessions. Widowhood and desertion were the main reasons for heading the family. Collection of fire wood and embroidery were their main subsidiary activities. Food scarcity, water, lighting, fuel, alcoholism of their husband and lack of health care facilities were the main problems of respondents. Borrowing food, using rice given to children at school and purchase of food items on credit were the main mechanisms used for facing hunger. Different mechanisms used to confront their husband's alcoholism were found to be ineffective. Many respondents had problems of child rearing and care of aged/ailing. All depended on ANMS for health care needs. Problems in marketing were tackled with distress sales(fire wood) and borrowing money for wholesale purchase of vegetables. More than one third of women were harassed by neighbors and relatives. They suffered it in silence. In more than one third of households children were working as agricultural labourers. Being poor in material and livestock resources their only resource was their human labour. Hence, inputs and better management practices of both material and human resources are required to break their circle of poverty. An empirical model of their poverty circle with intervention entry points and type of interventions needed was developed from this study.ennullPROBLEMS COPING MECHANISMS AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES OF LAMBANI FEMALE HEADS OF THE FAMILY IN SHIRAHATTI TALUK DHARWAD DISTRICTThesis