RAGHUNATH, M (MAJOR)DEVI PRASAD, VSRINIVAS, MANJALI, K2021-07-312021-07-312021-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810171259THESESThe present study was conducted on 24 clinical cases of dogs of either sex above one year of age, that were presented to clinics with various symptoms related to different dental affections. The overall incidence of dental diseases (periodontal and endodontal) was 29.91% with high incidence of 45.83% in smaller breed of dogs. Signalment and history was collected, physiological parameters and hematobiochemical parameters were evaluated. Complete oral cavity examination and diagnostic procedures like dental radiography, microbiological evaluation and antibiotic sensitivity testing were done in all the dogs. Staging of the periodontal indices like gingival index, calculus index and furcation index were done. Radiological examination helped in diagnosis of peri and endodontal diseases in dogs and also in staging of periodontal diseases. Staphylococcus species and Escherichia coli were the most commonly isolated organisms from the oral cavity in dental affections. Antibiogram of the dental swabs revealed high sensitivity towards Ciprofloxacin followed by Doxycycline. All the haematological and biochemical parameters were normal in most of the dogs with high significant difference in lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils after the treatment. Serum creatinine, ALT and AST were significantly decreased after treatment. Early stages of stage 1 and 2 gingival index and stage 1 and 2 periodontal diseases were managed by chlorhexidine lavage, home care practices like tooth brushing, addition of dental treats, chews and prophylactic antibiotic therapy. Dogs with calculus index 2 and 3 and dogs with stage 3 periodontal disease were treated by procedures like calculus removal, supra and sub gingival dental scaling along with home dental care. Dogs with stage 4 periodontal disease and furcation stage 4 were treated by extraction of the affected teeth under general anesthesia. Dental radiography, antimicrobial evaluation and antibiotic sensitivity testing played a major role in the diagnosis and treatment of the periodontal and endodontal affections in dogs with good clinical outcome. Recurrence of dental plaque in few cases where the home dental care was discontinued indicated that professional dental treatment was of little value unless followed by home oral health care.EnglishRADIOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF PERI AND ENDODONTAL DISEASES IN DOGSThesis