Dr. S. B. VekariyaKalariya Sonaliben Mahendrabhai2021-06-032021-06-032019-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810169519The present investigation was undertaken with a view to study the cost and returns, marketing cost and margin, price spread and constraints in production and marketing of sapota in Junagadh district of Gujarat state. The Junagadh district was purposively selected, as it has the largest share in sapota cultivation in the Saurashtra region. A total sample of 120 respondents was selected for the study. For studying price spread, 20 merchants from each of the Vanthali and Junagadh regulated market were select as sample. The major analytical tools employed for the study were tabular analysis, cost concept, price spread and constraints analysis. On an average, the total investment per hectare was found to be Rs. 36.15 lakh in Junagadh district. The data revealed that on an average, the total annual cost incurred per hectare was Rs. 66578, which comprised of Rs. 5471 as amortized cost and Rs. 61107 as maintenance cost. The average yield per annum was 17365 kg/ha, which generate net return of Rs. 56735/ha. The Cost C2 (total cost) per annum at pre bearing, early bearing and mature bearing was Rs. 56651, Rs. 81018 and Rs. 101356 per hectare, respectively. Gross income was Rs. 94630 and Rs. 151996 at early bearing and mature bearing stage, respectively. Farm business income was Rs. 58996 and Rs. 110310 at early bearing and mature bearing stage, respectively. Family labour income was Rs. 41276 and Rs. 85091 at early bearing and mature bearing stage, respectively. Farm investment income was Rs. 20977 and Rs. 59854 at early bearing and mature bearing stage, respectively. It is evident from the resulted that under situation of normal cost and return, the net present value (NPV) was found positive (Rs. 11000/ha) at 10 per cent rate of discount indicating the financial soundness of the investment on sapota orchard. The value of benefit cost ratio (BCR) was found near to unity (1.01) indicating that the investment is worthwhile but critical. The value of internal rate of return (IRR) was found 10.36 per cent. The payback period (PBP) was found to be 19.15 years. The results concluded that the investment on sapota orchard was a profitable proposition in Saurashtra region. The marketable surplus was 95.04 per cent of total sapota production. In Junagadh district, marketing channel for sapota was observed as farmers ---- wholesaler ---- retailer ---- consumer. The total marketing cost incurred by the sapota growers was Rs. 124.00 per quintal, Rs. 130.50 per quintal at wholesaler level and Rs. 125.35 per quintal at retailer level. The net margin was Rs. 229.50 per quintal at wholesaler level and Rs. 414.65 per quintal at retailer level. The percent of price spread in consumer’s price was to the extent of 46.15 per cent. The marketing efficiency was 3.52, 7.62 and 1.17 by using the Conventional, Shepherd’s and Acharya’s method, respectively. Marketing efficiency is greater than unity. High rate of commission and lack of processing plant were major marketing problem faced by the sapota growers. Bird damage followed by lack of irrigation facility were major problems faced by the farmers in raising the sapota orchard. As the sapota cultivation is profitable, it should be encouraged in potential areas. In cost minimization efforts, more emphasis should be given on efficient use of labour and development of sapota harvesting mechanism and Government must take consideration to promote drip irrigation by discussing benefits of drip irrigation system to the farmers and proving subsidy at proper time periodEnglishAN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF SAPOTA IN JUNAGADH DISTRICT OF SAURASHTRA REGION 2918Thesis