Rangasamy SMuthuramalingam TTensingh Gnanaraj P, et al.,TANUVAS2024-07-252024-07-252014https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810212504The study was undertaken in Tellicherry goats under uniform management and feeding condition. The 30 to 45 days postpartum does were randomly divided into four groups of ten each. Group I does were synchronized with progesterone imra vaginal sponge (CSWRI, Avikanagar), PMSG and PGFZU combination. Group II does were synchronized with Fluorogestone acetate (FGA) intra vaginal sponge, PMSG and PGF2‘, combination. Group III does were synchronized with intra vaginal insertion of progesterone device TRIU C, PMSG and PGF2, combination.EnglishSHORTENING POSTPARTUM INTERVAL IN GOATS THROUGH ESTRUS SYNCHRONIZATIONNational Symposium on “Frontier Reproductive Biotechnologies for Enhancing Animal Fertility and Fecundity : Global Perspective” and XXIX Annual Convention of the Indian Society for study of Animal Reproduction, NagpurOther