Megeri, S NPatil, Rashmi S2019-08-222019-08-222002No. of references 36"The term 'adolescence' comes from Latin word adolescere, meaning ""to grow"" or ""to grow to maturity"". It comprises of the penod from 13-18 years for girls and 14-18 years for boys. They contribute to the human potential and impart strength to the nation economy and development; hence the nuthtional status is of great significance. Nutritional status of adolescent girls of residential and non- residential schools was assed by nutritional anthropometry and diei survey. The anthropometnc measurements were compared with Indian and International standards to know the nutritional status by using Z-test. Good nutritional status of the subjects can be seen only if good nutritious food reaches to every section of the people i.e., the benefits should be distributed evenly in the entire population. The intra and inter variations in calone intake among different age group and schools should be minimum. The distnbution of calorie intake per consumption unit is more important than the mean level compansons. Therefore appropriate distributions for the data of Calorie intake per consutnption unit for both the population were tried, the log normal and normal distributions were found appropriate."ennullEVALUATION OF STATISTICAL MODEL FOR NUTRITIONAL STATUSThesis