Grover, InduPreeti Singh2016-11-192016-11-192008 and communication technology (ICT) is an umbrella term that includes both traditional and modern information and communication technologies. For the present study ICT refers to eight ICTs viz. television, radio, news paper, magazine, telephone, mobile, computer and internet. The study “Gender analysis of information and communication technology in rural households of Hisar District” conducted on a sample of 100 male and 100 female respondents respectively drawn from 4 villages of Hisar district revealed that among male respondents television was possessed by cent per cent (Rank-I), followed by mobile (63.00%, Rank-II), newspaper (61.00%, Rank-III), telephone (59.00%, Rank-IV), radio (55.00%, Rank-V), magazine (37.00%, Rank-VI) and computer (18.00%, Rank-VII) while none possessed internet at home (Rank-VIII). In case of female respondents, television was possessed by cent per cent (Rank-I), followed by radio (65.00%, Rank-II), mobile (57.00%, Rank-III), newspaper (50.00%, Rank-IV) and telephone (45.00%, Rank-V) followed by magazine (34.00%, Rank-VI) and computer (13.00%, Rank-VII) while none possessed internet at home (Rank-VIII). Gender analysis for access to ICTs revealed that cent per cent male respondents had access to television (100.00%, Rank-I) followed by mobile (63.00%, Rank-II) and newspaper (61.00%, Rank-III), telephone (59.00%, Rank-IV), radio (55.00%, Rank-V), magazine (37.00%, Rank-VI) while both computer (Rank-VII) and internet (Rank-VII) was accessed by 24.00 per cent, respectively. Regarding females all had access to television (Rank-I) followed by radio (65.00%, Rank-II), mobile (57.00%, Rank-III), telephone (45.00%, Rank-IV), magazine (34.00%, Rank-V) and newspaper (26.00%, Rank-VI), while 15.00 per cent and 13.00 per cent of female respondents had access to internet (Rank-VII) and computer (Rank-VIII) respectively. Both male and female respondents accessed internet outside home. Gender analysis of overall access and use of ICTs showed significant association of gender with both access to and use of ICTs when tested through χ2 at 5 per cent level of significance. Regarding overall control of ICTs, males had higher control on all the ICTs.Association of socio-economic variables of male and female respondents for those who possessed ICTs, with access, control and use of eight individual ICTs revealed that for access there was significant association of age, size of family and land holding in case of news paper and caste and size of family for mobile. Association for control on ICTs revealed that there was significant association of age and occupation on control of news paper where as for magazine factors effecting control was occupation. Association with use of ICTs showed that there was significant association of education, caste and scientific temper on use of television while for telephone and mobile factors affecting were education, scientific temper and land holding, respectively.enMass media, Economics, Television, Newspapers, Biological phenomena, Economic systems, Land resources, Communication technology, Marketing, Developmental stagesGender analysis of information and communication technology in rural households of Hisar DistrictThesis