Jaisree, SShoba, KRamesh, AVijayarani, K; et al.TANUVAS2020-03-052020-03-052020-02http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810144302TNV_20thMVC_PP_Feb-2020_OP58Avian Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is an economically important poultry diseasecaused by gallidherpesvirus I (GaHV-1), a double stranded DNA virus of 155 Kb in size belongs to the genus Iltovirus, family herpesviridae.A breeder flock situated near Chittoor, consisting of 12,945 birds was reported with the problem of severe respiratory distress and mortality. The Clinical signs observed were pump handle respiration and nasal discharge. Morbidity and mortality rate observed were 70% and 12% respectively. On post mortem examination haemorrhage and caseous plug were noticed in the trachea. DNA extracted from suspected tracheal samples were screened by PCR based on ICP4 gene in which amplicon specific to ILTV of 635bp were obtained. ILTV positive samples were isolated by chicken embryo inoculation via chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) route of inoculation. Characteristic pock lesion was observed after third passage. DNA extracted from the CAM was amplified with glycoprotein J gene primers. Amplicon size of 1.39 kb was amplified and sequenced. Sequence analysis revealed that the current isolates belong to haplotype II and phylogenetically related to CEO high passage vaccine strain, USA virulent , Italy virulent , China virulent, Australian virulent and Russian virulent ILT strain.enVeterinary ScienceDetection and molecular characterization of avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus isolated from a recent outbreak in a breeder flockNational Symposium on Veterinary Research Priorities in Translational Animal Health, Production and Food SafetyPresentation