S. RameshGOPALA, REDDY, K.2019-06-132019-06-132008-09-27TH-9206http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810108399Six groundnut genotypes viz. ICG 7243, ICG 6766, ICG 12988, ICG 10890, ICG 9418 and Chico were used for the study of inheritance pattern of Soil Plant Analytical Development (SPAD) Chlorophyll meter reading. Specific Leaf Area (SLA) and seed yield related characters. Three genotypes viz., JUG3, JUG26, ICGS 76 along with Chico (which was used for inheritance studies) were used for assessing carbon isotope discriminating ability. The genotype ICG 6766 Showed highest SCMR and lowest SLA, indicating its drought tolerance, this genotype was the best for seed yield and its attributes. In F2 generation of all the 4 crosses, association of seed yield with pod yield, 100-Kemel weight, seed length and seed width was highly significant. Both additive and non-additive gene actions were found to be operative for SCMR at 60 DAS and 80 DAS, SLA at 60 DAS and 80 DAS, pod yield, seed yield, seed length, and seed width. Additive gene action was predominant the expression of 100-Kemel weight and shelling percentage. Marked reciprocal differences were observed for SCMR and SLA at 60 DAS and 80 DAS during both rainy and post rainy seasons, suggesting the need for using donor parent as the maternal parent in crossing programme to recover higher frequency of superior lines in advanced generations. JUG 26 with 1 T lowest A C value coupled with higher SCMR and lower SLA was identified as the most water use efficient genotype. In F2 generation of all the 4 crosses, highly significant and negative association was observed between SCMR and SLA. Significant positive association between SCMR and shelling percentage was observed in the cross ICG 9418 x Chico.ennullGENETICS OF SCMR AND SLA, THE TRAITS RELATED TO DROUGHT TOLERANCE IN GROUNDNUT {Arachis hypogaea L.)Thesis