Dr. L. H. SaiyedBHARAT S. DIVEKAR2017-09-212017-09-212005http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810031610A field bench mark survey was carried out in Anand District mainly in Anand, Borsad, and Umreth Talukas which were densely populated with Gir owners with their livestocks migrated from Saurashtra regions of Gujarat because of frequent draught condition in Saurashtra regions and settled since more than 5 years were selected (100) to study managemental practices, involvement of women, problem faced by them in adopting in new version of scientific managemental practices and economics of their milk production.enLivestock ProductionStudySOCIO – TECHNO ECONOMIC STATUS OF PROFESSIONAL GIR CATTLE OWNERS OF ANAND DISTRICTThesis