K. V. NATIKARBHANU V. L2019-06-202019-06-202007-08-30TH8703http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810109234Youth are the most potent segment of the population of a country. They have been playing quite a significant role in almost every country of the world as they possess the zeal and vigour necessary to create opportunities for national development. The study was conducted in Dharwad, Hubli, Khalaghatagi and Kundagol taluks of Dharwad district during 2005-06. Three villages from each taluk were selected based on the presence of active youth club. From each village 10 respondents were selected based on their membership in the youth club to make the sample size of 120 respondents. The important findings of the study were 26.67 per cent of rural youth aspired for education upto SSLC followed by 25.00 per cent aspired for education upto degree. Majority of the rural youth (60.83%) aspired to take up farming as their occupation. Further majority of rural youth ranked agriculture (crop production) as in the order of preference to different enterprises. And a large percentage (65.00%) of the respondents had medium general aspirations. A majority of the rural youth (72.50%) had favourable attitude towards rural developmental activities. Positive and significant relationship was observed between dependent variables like educational aspirations, occupational aspirations, enterprise aspiration and general aspirations of rural youth with independent variables like education, mass media utilization, annual income, extension contact, economic motivation and achievement motivation. Whereas, negative and significant relationship was observed between educational aspirations of rural youth and age. Cent per cent of the respondents expressed that rural developmental activities are *Risky and time consuming' and 'No reorganization or awards for participation' as the important constraints and 'Daily wages have to be given to the every individual, who participate in the activity* as their suggestion for better participation of rural youth in rural developmental activities.ennullSTUDY ON ASPIRATIONS OF RURAL YOUTH AND THEIR ATTITUDE TOWARDS RURAL DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES IN DHARWAD DISTRICT OF KARNATAKA STATEThesis