Rai, J.P.NGururani, Akansha2018-05-152018-05-152017-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810045928The study was conducted to assess the effect of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) inoculation on lead phytoremediation. Metal tolerant bacteria were isolated from a lead contaminated site and the isolated strains were screened for plant growth promoting properties. Based on it a metal tolerant and growth promoting bacterium was selected. Its potential was further checked with pot experiments for two plants; Sesbania aculeata and Pennisetum purpureum at 100 ppm and 200 ppm concentration of lead. The efficiency of phytoextraction was indicated by the increased accumulation of lead in shoot and root of inoculated plants. Also, increase in growth parameters and activation of stress relievers like proline and catalase suggested the effectiveness of the assistance provided by PGPB. Other physiological parameters like total chlorophyll content and protein content values were also affirmative of the enhancement of phytoremediation on bacteria inoculation. The reported data imply that PGPB imparts tolerance against metal toxicity to plants. Out of the two plants, Sesbania aculeata showed better results than Pennisetum purpureum with or without inoculation in terms of lead accumulation, growth enhancement and metabolic functioning. However, the effect of PGPB was similar in both the plant species over absolute control and over control supplemented with lead. Therefore, it can be deduced from our study that inoculating a metal tolerant-plant growth promoting bacteria can enhance the efficiency of phytoremediation.ennullLead phytoextraction efficiency of Sesbania aculeata and Pennisetum purpureum in soil, inoculated with tolerant bacteriaThesis