Dr. M.R. PrajapatiHinge Rashmi2017-05-182017-05-182012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810011363Amul is having its footstep in Ice-cream industry in India. Amul Ice Cream was launched on 10th March, 1996 in Gujarat. Ice-cream industry is having so many numbers of players like Havmor, Vadilal, Kwality walls, Mother Dairy and Others local brands having stiff competition among them. In consumer behaviour, perception refers to much more than just biological use of sense organs. It includes the way stimuli are interacted and integrated by consumers. Consumer characteristics vary from place to place. Therefore it has become challenging task for marketers to understand need, buying behaviour and perception of consumers before developing product and marketing program.enStudyA STUDY ON CONSUMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS AMUL ICE-CREAM VIS-A-VIS DIFFERENT BRANDS IN ANAND AND NADIAD CITIESThesis