TIRUMALA RAO, D.S(MAJOR)AMEER HAMZA, PSADASIVA RAO, KVASANTHA KUMARI, MANDALA2018-08-272018-08-272006-03http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810069673THESESABSTRACT: The present study was undertaken to find out the prevalence of chronic renal failure in canines in relation to age, breed, sex and also to study the biochemical parameters, urinalysis and therapeutic efficacy of drugs in group I (hj. Lasix, In.. Enrocin, Inj. Perinorm and Tab. Amlogard) and group I1 (Tab.Lasilactone, Inj.Intamox, Inj. Rantac and Tab. Enace). Both groups were also administered with Inj. Ringer's lactate, Inj. B-complex and Tab.Sucralfate.. A total of 36 dogs with chronic renal failure were studied. The age wise, breed wise and sex wise incidence of chronic rena! failure revealed the highest among dogs of 6 - 9 years of (33.33%) age group, in German shepherd (27.77%). and in males (55.56%). respectively. The most common clinical signs recorded were anorexia, vomiting, polyuria, polydipsia and oral ulcers. All the dogs with chronic renal failure had shown increased blood pressure, decreased urine specific gravity and proteinuria. Group I dogs showed significant (Pc0.05) decrease in mean serum BUN, serum phosphorus and mean serum creatinine levels (Pc0.01) as 98.89 f 4.42, 6.6 f 0.4 and 4.57 f 0.37 mg / dl, respectively. The mean serum sodium and serum potassium levels increased significantly (P<0.05) after treatment the values were as 141.83 f 5.21 and 3.89 f 0.06 mnol / L, respectively. The therapeutic efficacy in this group was 72.22 per cent. Group I1 dogs showed significant (P<O.Ol) decrease in mean serum BUN, serum pl~osphorus and serum creatinine levels in treated group were 98.89 f 3.60, 6.45 f 0.3 1 and 4.53 f 0.28 111g / dl. respoctively. There was significant (PC0.05) increase in serum sodiunl and in serum potassium levels (PC 0.Ol)post therapy as 144.13 f 2.27 and 4.26 f 0.14 mmo! / L., respectively. The therapeutic efficacy in this group was 88.89 per cent. Based on the above findings, it was concluded that the therapeutic regimen followcd in-group I1 is advocated in order to achieve good therapeutic response in dogs with chronic renal failure.ennullCLINICO BIOCHEMICAL AND THERAPEUTIC STUDIES ON CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE (CRF) IN DOGSThesis