AVSATTHI, B. L.STHANKI, D. G.2018-06-282018-06-281993http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810055441Present study was undertaken in cattle of Valsad district to know the incidence of Schistosoma nasale with changejin histopathological, total serum protein and haematological value of animal's body. Total 101 cattle from different villages were screened amongst which 61 cattle revealed the infestation of S.nasale on the basis of microscopic examination of nasal discharges for typical boomerang shaped ova. Thirteen cattle were selected as unaffected. Incidence of nasal schistosomiasis was not influenced by the age, sex and breeds of cattle though there were numerical differences amongst cattle for S.nasale infestation. Site of predilection for S«nasale was anterior nasal chamber of cattle at which it caused various type of proliferative and granulomatous changes in scheiderian membrane. The clinical manifestations of nasal schistosomiasis were observed highest during monsoon, 27 out of 39 (69.23 per cent), moderate in summer, 25 out of 43 (59.06 per cent) and lower in winter, 9 out of 19 (47.68 per cent) which was in accordance with environmental condition of areas which favoured the propagation of intermediate host Indoplanorbis exustus and Lymnaea luteola snails. The incidence of S,nasale was higher in July, 10 out of 13 (79.92 per cent), August, 13 out of 18 (72.22 per cent) and March, 5 out of 7 (71.41 per cent), while lowest in October, November and December, 1 out of 3 (33.33 per cent) in each month. Microscopic examination of nasal discharges from 101 cattle revealed ova of S.nasale in 61 cases which were showing clinical lesions of nasal granuloma. Faecal examination of these 6l S.nasale infested cattle, 40 revealed ova of gastrointestinal nematodes but these were devoid of S.nasale ova. Total serum proteins estimated from 39 S.nasale infested cattle and 13 unaffected cattle showed highly significant difference (P /O.01). The mean value observed from S.nasale infested cattle (9.482 g per cent) was higher than the unaffected cattle (8.54 g per cent). The fractions of serum proteins observed from electrophoresis showed significant difference for albumin (P /O.05) and highly significant difference for globulin (P (0.01 ) for S.nasale infested and unaffected cattle. Cattle having S.nasale infestation showed hypoalbuminaemia and hyperglobulinaeniia.enVETERINARY PARASITOLOGYA STUDYSTUDY ON THE SCHISTOSOMA NASALE INFESTATION IN CATTLE WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO HISTOPATHOLOGICAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND HAEMATOLOGICAL ASPECTSThesis