VERMA, SUBHASH CHANDERGUPTA, KAVITA2017-01-042017-01-04201247864 The present investigations entitled “Effect of different land uses on water quality of Dharampur block of Solan district of Himachal Pradesh” was conducted during 2011-2012 in Dharampur block of Solan district of Himachal Pradesh under different land uses ( agriculture, forest and urban/ suburban) during different seasons (rainy, winter and summer) at four locations. The water samples were collected from surface as well as underground water from agriculture, forest and urban / suburban land uses where as aquatic insects were collected from surface water under these land uses. The overall mean value of pH, EC, Temperature, TDS, BOD, COD, Ca, Mg, Cl, NO3 in surface and underground water under different land uses during different seasons were 7.61, 0.40 dS/m, 21.68 0C, 277.73mg/l, 3.61mg/l , 17.01 mg/l , 81.99 mg/l , 8.04 mg/l , 1.64 mg/l , 28.36 mg/l and 7.75, 0.59 dS/m, 20.70 0C, 388.41 mg/l , 1.98 mg/l , 10.94 mg/l , 100.35 mg/l , 12.36 mg/l , 3.10 mg/l , 18.67 mg/l , respectively. The contents of calcium under surface (81.99 mg/l) as well as underground water (100.35 mg/l) were above permissible limit (>75 mg/l). The colour of surface and underground water under different land uses during different seasons varied from colourless to blackish and colourless to light brown, respectively. The odour of both water sources (surface and underground water) under different land uses during different seasons varied between odourless to septic. The overall mean value of Fe, Mn, Zn in surface and underground water under different land uses during different seasons were 3.67 ppb, 1.44 ppb, 0.38 ppt and 7.61 ppb, 2.11ppb, 0.53 ppt, respectively. The maximum water quality index (WQI) of surface water (21.10) and underground water (15.93) was registered under urban land use and minimum under forest land use. The maximum WQI (31.32) was recorded at Barotiwala and minimum (9.52 ) at Chandi – Goyla. The Simpson’s Diversity index (D) and EPT index of Dharampur block ranged from 0.88 to 0.91 and 27.33 to 43.67, respectively. Both indices (Simpson’s Diversity index and EPT) were highest at Chandi- Goyla and minimum at Barotibala. The FBI ( Family biotic index) of aquatic insects of Dharampur block ranged from 2.31 to 2.73. Overall water quality of Dharampur block was good to excellent category.enEFFECT OF DIFFERENT LAND USES ON WATER QUALITY OF DHARMPUR BLOCK OF SOLAN DISTRICT OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis