RAMA KUMAR, P. VSRIDHAR, R.V.S.V2016-08-202016-08-202004http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/73163The present investigation was carried out during rabi 2003-04, at Agricultural College Farm, Bapatla to study the genetic variability, heritability, expected genetic advance, extent of character association and path coefficient analysis in F2 and F3 segregating generations of eleven crosses of sesamum. The characters evaluated in present investigation include plant height, days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, number of primaries, number of capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule, 1000-seed weight, oil content and seed yield per plant. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all characters studied, indicating a high degree of variability in the material. The characters like number of primaries, number of capsules per plant in both the generations and 1000-seed weight in F2 generation registered high heritability coupled with high expected genetic advance as per cent of mean suggesting that these characters will respond well to simple selection and rapid gain could be obtained in the desirable direction. Correlation studies revealed that, the seed yield per plant had significant positive association with plant height, number of primaries, number of capsules per plant and number of seeds per capsule and negative non-significant association with days to 50% flowering and days to maturity in both the generations. Path coefficient analysis in F2 and F3 generations revealed that the characters viz., number of primaries and number of capsules per plant had significant positive association as well as a positive direct effect with seed yield per plant in both the generations, and thus may aid yield improvement, through selection. The present investigation revealed that the characters viz., number of capsules per plant, plant height, number of primaries, 1000-seed weight and number of seeds per capsule should be considered as selection criteria for improvement in seed yield. The study suggests that oil yield can also be improved through biparental mating, which provides chances for finding superior recombinants in advanced generations by breaking linkages.enCHARACTER, ASSOCIATION, PATH, COEFFICIENT, ANALYSIS, F2, F3, GENERATIONS, SESAMECHARACTER ASSOCIATION AND PATH COEFFICIENT ANALYSIS IN F2 AND F3 GENERATIONS OF SESAME (Sesamum indicum L.)Thesis